Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup presents Crafft, MiiPharos, PubNub, FileOpen on October 1

The Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup presents another stellar lineup for their October 1, 2014 event.
All the usual: Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $10, and includes food, beverage, and live music by Cruz Control. Attendance limited to 225 so RSVP soon.
Learn about hot new technologies and mingle with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, bloggers, and tech enthusiasts.
- Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup
- Wednesday, October 1, 2014
- Doors open at 6pm
- Cruzio building, 877 Cedar St., Santa Cruz, CA
- Price: $10. Food & Beverage included
- RSVP here
Presenting companies this month include:
- Craftt – winner of the Experience Tectoria Pitch Contest 2014. This company will surely help you “brew some insight.”
- MiiPharos – local girl Denise Berry serves 8 years in the US Army, then jumps into her first tech startup with iBeacon solutions.
- PubNub – build and scale realtime apps for connected devices.
- FileOpen – control the sharing and delivery of your most valuable documents and media.
To RSVP, go to:
Tagged Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup