SV Biz Journal: Can Santa Cruz turn the tech talent tide?

by Lauren Hepler
Silicon Valley Business Journal
New startup venture aims to poach Highway 17 tech bus commuters
Santa Cruz business intelligence startup Looker already has $18 million in funding, 100-plus paying customers and a new downtown office complete with a roof deck.
But the two-year-old company’s quest to staff up in a hypercompetitive Silicon Valley tech labor market has been complicated by its location off the beaten path.
Each week, Looker rents a block of hotel rooms at the boutique Hotel Paradox for employees who commute, many from San Francisco, to work three days in town. The company also offers a one-time relocation bonus worth 15 percent of an employee’s annual salary. Half a dozen of the company’s 65 employees never even set foot in the office, working remotely.
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