Santa Cruz Economic Development seeks proposals for website redesign & marketing services

By Rebecca Unitt
City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Department
Responses to RFP due by December 22, 2014
The City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Department has published a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking website design and marketing services to develop the unique brand of Santa Cruz through a new separately branded Economic Development Department website. The deadline for submissions is December 22 by 4:00 PM.
Telling our story
The website redesign is an exciting opportunity to explore the true identity of the Santa Cruz business community and will allow the Economic Development team to better tell our story through compelling imagery, videos, and content that reflects the dynamic community and industries we are proud to support.
The intent of the website redesign is to create a website showcasing and promoting economic development in Santa Cruz separate from the cityofsantacruz.com site. The site will represent the City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Department in a way that does not feel like a government website, but instead communicates that Santa Cruz is a dynamic economy with resources for many types of businesses. The website will also provide connections between the arts, affordable housing, and economic development.
The RFP specifically seeks proposals that combine excellent user-centered design and function that combines high-quality use of photography, video, and limited text to convey the information to our target audiences of major industries, small business owners, the arts community, and those seeking housing assistance. The major industries we are seeking to attract include tourism and hospitality, tech, genomics and bioinformatics, design, action sports and recreation industries, craft and artisanal food products, artists and creative community, marine science, and health & wellness.
The RFP also calls for video and photography services to develop a series of testimonials featuring local businesses and capturing imagery of the people, places, and activities that make Santa Cruz a unique community to live, work, and play. Furthermore, the Economic Development Department is looking for assistance in fully integrating social media into the new website to engage the community across all platforms of communication.
Government, and particularly Economic Development, is about people. This website rebranding must reflect the people we serve and the staff that serves the community through voice, imagery, and user experience.
View the full RFP document here.
RFP link: http://www.cityofsantacruz.com/Home/Components/RFP/RFP/13/2109
For additional information or assistance, contact J. Guevara, Economic Development Manager, at 831-420-5156 or email jguevara@cityofsantacruz.com.