April 27 event aims to help ICT & Digital Media Educators share resources

April 7, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA
Learn, share, and connect with like-minded individuals to better align our efforts across Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties.
There are many high school teachers, community college faculty, and community leaders in the Monterey and Santa Cruz counties who are offering ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) and Digital Media classes. But there is no existing way to build on and share resources across K-12 and College, or across counties. Building this network of educators will allow regional educators to collaborate and promote programs that benefit our students and communities.
ICT & Digital Media Educators Meetup for Monterey and Santa Cruz
- Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 4-6pm
- Monterey County Office of Education. 901 Blanco Circle, Salinas, CA 93912
- For K-12, Community College, and Non-Profit Instructors, Administrators, and Program Directors who aim to support student development in the areas of ICT and Digital Media
- Learn, share, and connect with like-minded individuals to better align our efforts across both counties.
- RSVP at Eventbrite. (Event is free.)
“This event is part of two long-standing efforts to increase the number and diversity of students who pursue courses and careers in computing and information technology fields. Eloy Ortiz, a researcher at the non-profit ETR in Scotts Valley, has created opportunities and worked with schools and community organizations for K-12 students to learn ICT and build pathways to college. Olivia Davalos, a Deputy Sector Navigator in ICT and Digital Media with the California Community College System, works with the region’s colleges and employers to align workforce training and career pathways. This event came about after many conversations with both K-12 and college teachers and administrators. We heard time and again that people are working in isolation to try to figure out how to either integrate computer science (CS) or information and communications technologies (ICT) into their classes, or are trying to connect their high school classes to their local colleges. But in our counties, we have people who share those goals and are looking for partners, as well as people who can share both local and national resources to help. Consistent with President Obama’s recently announced “CS for All” movement, our focus is on build pathways for underserved youth, including those who are the first generation to attend college, or who have had no exposure to ICT or CS. This is the first of what we hope to be regular meetups. We need people to come and tell us what their needs and interests are, and what they have to offer.” – Jill Denner, ETR.
- More about ETR’s work on IT diversity:
- More about CCCO’s ICT and Digital Media Sector Navigation Team:
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