Fuzz Stati0n, Slick, Tiny Garage, Futbol Connect, Impact Scorecards

August 25, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA
(Photo above: Amanda Rotella, Tom Padula, and Doug Erickson take a selfie at the Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup last June. Contributed.)
Here’s the Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup lineup for September![scntmeetuplogo2[1]](
Let us bid farewell to the month of August, aka “Fog-gust”, and welcome a sunlit lineup for September 7, 2016. RSVP now.
Our Community Announcements will be Jake Metcalf of Ethical Resolve. He will discuss how companies can make actionable, consistent, ethics-driven business decisions.
For our Company Presentations, we have an intriguing group:
- Fuzz Stati0n / David Moore: learn how “fuzz testing” can find hidden bugs and vulnerabilities missed by traditional testing.
- Serious Games / Jim Whitehead: a new MS degree program at UCSC that encompasses games for the elderly, games for health, crowd sourcing games, games with a purpose, training games, games for education, and others.
- Slick Video / Thomas Agarate: effortless video production for everyone.
- Tiny Garage / Steve McLendon: learn about Spoke, the app focused on short form, short shelf life audio.
- FutbolConnect / Frances Nevare: the first social network connecting the world’s futbol players, coaches, and fans through a premier digital platform. Users can showcase their talent, promote themselves, and share their passion and love for the game with enthusiasts around the world.
- Impact Scorecards / David Apgar: Impact scorecards can help business owners determine the high impact drivers of key outcomes at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional planning and advice.
Learn about hot new technologies and mingle with 250+ fellow entrepreneurs, investors, bloggers, and tech enthusiasts.
This event is always packed, so be sure to RSVP early. Doors open at 6:00pm, presentations start at 7:00pm. Entry fee is $10 (pay at the door), and includes food, beverage, and LIVE MUSIC. RSVP now.
Tagged Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup