Digital NEST to hold Salinas “sneak peek” before launching pilot program

March 30, 2017 — Salinas, CA
Digital NEST Salinas will hold a “Sneak Peek” reception on April 13 for the community ahead of the official opening on April 17.
- Digital NEST Salinas “Sneak Peek” reception for the community.
- Thursday, April 13, 6-8pm
- Cesar Chavez Library, 615 Williams Road, Salinas, CA
- RSVP here.
Less than three years after opening its doors in Watsonville, the nonprofit Digital NEST will launch a pilot program in Salinas next month, an extension of its Watsonville program providing youth with free technology access and career training in technology fields. Support for the 2-year pilot, which will operate from new quarters at the Cesar Chavez Library, comes from the city of Salinas and several large donors interested in workforce development for Salinas youth and young adults.
“We’re excited about getting started in Salinas, and being a place where members come to work together, help each other, and explore opportunities for futures in tech,” says Ximena Ireta-Lopez, Digital NEST’s Operations Manager. Ireta-Lopez has begun holding orientations at the new site to acquaint Salinas youth and young adults with NEST programs and services.
Digital NEST Salinas will officially open its doors on Monday, April 17, and be open to youth every Monday through Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m.
Founder and Executive Director Jacob Martinez said the strong support of the community is helping to get the Salinas NEST pilot off to a great start. “We’re creating a safe and inspiring place for Salinas youth to be, to access Wi-Fi and technology, but to also learn how their interests can lead to well-paying jobs in the digital economy.”
He said Digital NEST’s programs are based on proven youth and workforce development strategies that give youth tools and mentorship to succeed in higher education and careers.
Community Event
Digital NEST Salinas will hold a “Sneak Peek” reception for the community on Thursday, April 13, from 6-8 p.m. Parents, educators, and all interested community members and youth are invited to come and see the new space, learn how the Digital NEST operates, and what it hopes to bring to the Salinas community.
“We are founded on the belief that when we lift our youth, we lift our entire community and economy,” Martinez said. “We’re happy for the opportunity to to build on the Digital NEST model and support Salinas youth as they learn and prepare for successful futures.”
Tagged Digital Nest, Salinas