Data of Thrones (Parts 1 and 2)

(Source: Looker blog)
June 29, 2017 — Santa Cruz, CA
Part 1
By Kelly Payne
Looker is home to many Game of Thrones nerds, and recently we got our hands on some datasets describing the TV show and books. This is Part I of IV posts where we will dive into these datasets and share what we learned from the numbers on our favorite show – Game of Thrones.
There are a fair few resources on George R R Martin’s books (more on that later), but datasets on the TV show were much harder to find. In the end, we landed on two: a dataset on screen time from and deaths in Game of Thrones by Kaggle. With some SQL magic from our analysts, we were able to join the two datasets together, as well as add some extra background from the books fact table. While there were a few limitations with this method, the data mapped surprisingly well between the book series and the TV series.
25 Things We Learned by Looking at Data on Game of Thrones
While simple, episode count and screen time tell us a lot about how the showrunners are thinking about the characters we know and love (or hate).
Continue reading Part 1 here.
Part 2
By Amber Glaab
Game of Thrones has been both criticized for its treatment of women and praised for its fiercely bold female characters.
In Part 1, we discussed – at length – some general first impressions from a Game of Thrones dataset. After digging into this dataset a little further, there were a few counter intuitive findings such as average versus total screen time for male and female characters.
Average vs. Total Screen Time by Gender
The Game of Thrones show is very male dominated as a whole, so our interest was piqued when we found that female characters, on average, actually have much more screen time than male characters.
But remembering high school statistics class, we know that averages can be misrepresentative of the population as a whole.
So we dug in a little bit more.
First, the data shows that there are many more total male characters (120) than female characters (46).
When we look at the total screen time by gender, men definitely dominate the screen.
Continue reading Part 2 here.
Tagged Looker