Podcast: Buoy is changing the way we think about water

By Amanda Rotella
City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Department
[Editor’s note: This podcast was created by Choose Santa Cruz.]
July 13, 2017 — Santa Cruz, CA
How much water do you think you use in a day? Actually take a minute to think about all of the devices you use that require water. How much water do you think you use in the shower each day? How much water does your dishwasher use each cycle? If you have any sort of irrigation system in your yard, how much water does that use each day?
If you are like most people, the answer to these questions is likely “I have no idea”. While water plays an important role in our lives, most of us have a serious disconnect with how much of it we actually use. Coming out of the most recent drought, we Californians have had lots of conversations about water, water use, and securing long-term sustainable water sources. On an individual level; however, it is hard to talk about water or to make any changes to your household water use when you have no idea what your use even is. Santa Cruz Startup, Buoy Labs, is changing all of that with their innovative product: The Buoy.
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Tagged Buoy, City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Department