Data of Women: Education and Literacy Around the World

By Haarthi Sadasivam, Kelly Payne & Mildred Koch
March 9, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA
In the spirit of International Women’s Day, we wanted to learn more about how women around the world are being prepared for future opportunities.
To learn more about this, we turned to the World Bank’s World Development Indicators dataset and pulled some metrics around School Enrollment and Literacy by gender, income, and location around the world.
School Enrollment
An education is key to the pursuit of upwards mobility and personal agency. To measure this, we analyzed what percent of the female population are enrolled in school, by country and region.
According to the World Bank’s definition of literacy, female literacy can predict the quality or preparedness of the future female labor force and can also be used as a proxy for the effectiveness of the education system. When looking at the effectiveness of an education system, the quality of education needs to be taken into account; simply having access to an education is not enough to ensure future success.
For both literacy and school enrollment, we obtained metrics from countries around the world over a period of 5 years from 2012-2016. Because we were not able to obtain complete data from all countries, not all countries in the world are represented in all parts of the dataset. We will make note of the missing pieces of data as we move through the findings.
In general, the dataset proved many common assumptions, but in unpacking these numbers, we found that there was more depth to be discovered in the data.
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