Coworking space comes to Monterey

By Kimber Price
Monterey Herald
(Photo above: Avneesh Kumar and Sam Hain, Pacific Grove startup entrepreneurs who founded Monterey’s first coworking space. Credit: Kimber Price)
March 27, 2018 — Pacific Grove, CA
Monterey is catching up with the rest of the telecommuting world. The area’s first coworking space launched late last year, bringing the latest trend in space and idea sharing work communities to the area. The enterprise is called Hellodesk and was co-founded by Pacific Grove startup entrepreneurs Avneesh Kumar, 39, and Sam Hain, 44.
The concept of coworking is not just about renting a desk in an office. It’s based on a community of workers who share common goals as well as workspace. It’s a place to network, bounce ideas off one another, help each other out. “A coworking community generally is built around a theme,” Kumar said, “For us, it has come out to be mindfulness as a way to manage stress and increase productivity.” To that end, next month they will begin hosting mindfulness events for their members.
When Kumar left a job in technology in 2015 to develop an education-based startup, he was aware of the growing popularity of coworking in other cities and started an online virtual community to gather locals around the idea. The group grew to include a couple hundred people and members had “meet-ups” at coffee shops twice a month to network and collaborate. “I learned video editing skills through someone I connected with at a Starbucks meet-up,” he said.
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