How much does temperature affect hitting at AT&T Park?

(Source: KNBR)
April 26, 2018 — San Francisco, CA
We’ve all heard the anecdotes about how the ball carries farther on warm days at AT&T Park. Now, we actually have some proof.
Using a data set that spans the Giants’ entire tenure at AT&T, the fine folks at Looker have helped us put together a number of visuals, showing just how significant the affect of temperature has on hitting both in San Francisco, and throughout Major League Baseball.
As many have posited, the data confirms that hitting effectiveness, both generally and for power, increases across the board throughout the league when the temperature is warmer. Here’s a look at how both batting average and slugging percentage are impacted at AT&T Park.
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All data and graphs in this piece were provided by Looker. Looker helps bring better insights and data-driven decisions to every business. To learn more about their product and platform, click here.
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