November Tech Meetup to Focus on Women in Tech

October 9, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA
- Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup
- November 7, 2018, 6-9pm
- Plantronics, 345 Encinal St, Santa Cruz
- RSVP/pay at eventbrite
- $10 earlybird+students, $15 advance, $20 at the door. (Note: earlybird tickets are limited to first 100.)
How are women changing the tech world? What are the challenges women face in a tech career? Hear from both regional and local women, their stories, and their successes. Join us for an inspiring night of speakers:
- Pratima Rao Gluckman: Author of “Nevertheless, She Persisted” knew from a young age that she wanted to be an engineer. But there are unique challenges for women. Gluckman’s hope is that this book contributes meaningful changes in the tech world so that many more women can enter careers as engineers and thrive to become effective leaders in their organizations. Book signing and books for sale at the event.
- Diane Flynn / Reboot Accel: ReBoot Accel educates, inspires, and catalyzes women to restart their careers, build businesses, dream bigger and pursue lives of impact.
- Sara Chandler / Elemental Excelerator: helping startups change the world, one community at a time.
- Margaret Rosas / Looker: The “mother of tech” in Santa Cruz.
- Catelyn Orsini / Plantronics: product architect for one of the most successful companies in Santa Cruz history.
- Keri Waters / Buoy Labs: Learn from the CEO of one of Santa Cruz’s favorite new companies.
- Chrissy Meyer / Root Ventures: A VC firm run by engineers? Wow!
Additionally, Beth Kawasaki is the moderator for a panel discussion that will include questions from the audience.
Tagged Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup