PVUSD Preparing to Accelerate Students into Regional Industries through CTE Pathways

October 31, 2018 — Watsonville, CA
(Photo above: The 2017/18 CTE Advisory Board visits the Agriculture Mechanics course at Watsonville High School. Contributed)
Career Technical Education (CTE) seeks industry experts who would like to join the advisory board or provide work-based learning opportunities for students.
Under the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD) has embraced the acceleration of initiatives that show transformative promise in preparing all students to be college and career ready upon graduation. The development of equitable and accessible high quality Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways are at the core of this work to ensure our local graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills to excel and become employable locally and in the surrounding counties in the following industry sectors: Agricultural & Natural Resources, Health Science & Medical, Arts, Media, & Entertainment, Information & Communication Technologies, Transportation and Building & Construction Trades, Engineering & Architecture, Finance & Business, and Building & Construction Trades.
“We are targeting the development of CTE programs in these rapidly evolving local industry sectors with a continuous eye towards regional labor market demands. We see a future where PVUSD students are filling the high-paying jobs and internships being posted daily by agencies such as Santa Cruz Tech Beat,” says Robert Hoffman, Coordinator of Science and CTE for PVUSD.
PVUSD is working towards robust CTE Pathways for high school students that involve a minimum of two years of curriculum that includes industry sector career exploration and guidance, specific academic and occupational coursework, industry recognized certifications, and mentoring connections with local industry partners – this is how our community’s support would make a great impact. PVUSD seeks industry partners to increase and strengthen our work-based learning opportunities.
Pajaro Valley School District seeks to develop pathways from high school into community and technical colleges, into employment or the traditional four-year colleges and universities. To this end, currently, PVUSD partners with key entities, such as Cabrillo College and Digital NEST, to support offering relevant pathways, tools and opportunity to our students. We are striving to increase the number and variety of industry certifications in all pathways. Agricultural & Natural Resources has a prevalent and growing agtech jobs in our area, especially in our neighboring Monterey County, in which industry experts would strengthen student learning through cooperative educational programs that combine school and work experience. Current education and employment opportunities require new thinking and understanding; flexibility in the ways we offer education empowers both students, teachers and experts to become involved in critical ways.
Local industry input and expertise is essential! Two ways industry and businesses can partner and support this work are:
- Providing work-based learning opportunities (class presentations, host field trips, mock interview panels, mentorships, or internships)
- Serving on our CTE Advisory Board for a specific career pathway or industry to give feedback on where we should be improving our programs to meet industry standards .
Industry experts: reach out and be a part of shaping our community’s future!
If you are interested in partnering with PVUSD sign up by going directly to http://bit.ly/pvusdcteindustry or for further information and questions, contact Rob Hoffman at robert_hoffman@pvusd.net, or by phone (831) 786-2100 x2973.
PVUSD is grateful for the opportunity to partner with our community industry experts to strengthen and make CTE opportunities more valuable for our students.