Judges and mentors still wanted for UCSC’s CruzHacks 2019

By Rajinder Dhaliwal
Cruzhacks Editor
January 10, 2019 — Santa Cruz, CA
Want to volunteer to be a judge or mentor? Sign up at CruzHacks takes place Jan 18-20, 2019.
With over 1000 applications received, this year’s student-run hackathon is shaping up to be the biggest and most diverse one yet. Roughly 40% of the participants will hail from outside of UCSC, signifying the event’s widespread appeal to surrounding communities. This group includes not only students from nearby universities, but many high school students who wish to further develop their hacking skills. In addition, CruzHacks expects increased participation from females as well as other underrepresented groups, further cementing the organization’s mission of creating a hackathon for all.
Furthermore, a significant tech presence will be expected at the event with a variety of Santa Cruz and Bay Area based companies lending their support and expertise in order to help the event run as efficiently as possible. Among these firms are Google, Microsoft, ProductYX, Looker, and Plantronics. To truly organize a hackathon for all requires support not only from large tech companies, but many local non-profit organizations as well which work to help realize the values of social good that CruzHacks seeks to champion. Among these groups includes environmental and animal safety organizations.
Become a judge or mentor!
We invite all those with a passion for technology to get involved as a judge or mentor for the event. There are several spots open in each position, and there can never be too many people willing to help young hackers make their visions come to life. If this appeals to you then please sign up at
We look forward to making this the most successful CruzHacks yet!
Tagged CruzHacks