Code Naturally: Rooted in Santa Cruz schools, coding education company ready to grow

By Nicholas Ibarra
Santa Cruz Sentinel
June 11, 2019 — Santa Cruz, CA
Code Naturally, the computer science education company, now has its roots in at least a dozen Santa Cruz County schools.
(Photo above: Mason Wong peers over at Alisa Davidson’s coding project at Brook Knoll Elementary on Wednesday. Credit: Dan Coyro)
It’s after school, the day before summer break begins, but students at Brook Knoll Elementary are clacking away on their keyboards to finish up coding projects.
Third grader Alisa Davidson is working on a project that’s part game, part thank-you card for a teacher who’s are leaving after this year. She’s been in the class since first grade, and focuses on creating projects that allow her to paint myriad colors, critters and shapes across the screen.
“I really like just playing with my sketches, most of all, and just coding new ones,” she said. “It’s just really cool how you can create anything you want.”
Fifth grader J.P. Lee is showing off his latest game — “Tankbot D” — in which the user controls a little tank, shooting fire or ice weapons at a pursuing red square that becomes increasingly harder to beat as the levels progress. At more than 3,000 lines of JavaScript code, J.P. said his game took him about 24 hours of work to complete.
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