Building #OpenIndustry: The Story Behind Paystand’s New Logo

By Mark Fisher
Paystand, VP of Marketing
July 18, 2019 — Scotts Valley, CA
Today we’re unveiling a big update to the look and feel of the Paystand brand.
Our new logo marks a significant change in our company evolution and is the result of a comprehensive exploration of our brand. It gave us an opportunity to look deeply at who we are, what we stand for, and where we’re headed as a company.
If you’ve ever done a logo refresh, you know it’s not an easy undertaking. Any time a company takes on such an effort, it’s helpful to shed light on why they decided it was worth doing and the process of bringing it to life.
Read below to learn how our new logo finally came together. I’m excited to share this with you. Enjoy!
The Thinking Behind Our New Look
In order to accomplish our ambitious mission of rebooting the broken financial system, we knew the Paystand brand needed to raise the bar and inspire others to build transformative businesses on top of our technology.
That’s why it took us over a year since we started our initial discussions to finally land on the right design. Our old logo had taken us through our first few years in business, but we had outgrown it.
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