Chamber honors Looker’s Frank Bien and Lloyd Tabb as “Men of the Year”

(Video source: Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce)
October 29, 2019 — Santa Cruz, CA
(Photo above: Looker leaders, Frank Bien and Lloyd Tabb, were honored as Santa Cruz “Men of the Year 2019” by the Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce at a recent event. Contributed)
[Editor’s note: You may recall that local startup Looker was acquired by Google in June for $2.6 billion. Yup, BILLION. Santa Cruz Tech Beat published Google to acquire Looker for $2.6 Billion (6/6/19). The Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce recently honored Looker leaders Frank Bien and Lloyd Tabb as “Men of the Year in 2019.” Kudos to Frank and Lloyd!]
Watch: Frank Bien and Lloyd Tabb, Men of the Year 2019:
Tagged Looker