How a Looker Certification Will Level Up Your Career

By Carrie Browde
Certification Coordinator at Looker
March 3, 2020 — Santa Cruz, CA
As someone who recently switched job sectors, I had concerns and preconceptions about how I could flourish in a field undergoing constant change. The first thing I learned was that I had been using data analysis far more in my former profession than I’d given myself credit for — and that technology’s exponential evolution has accelerated change in all domains. “Tech” is no longer a singular industry isolated in its silicon tower — according to Forbes, tech-savviness and data literacy are two of the five most important job skills of the future. Being proactive in acquiring and applying these skill sets is crucial to finding thriving longevity in a job ecosystem in flux.
But how do you show that you’ve been keeping your knowledge current with the changing business ecosystem? If you’re looking to do so in a quantifiable way, certification is an excellent option.
Benefits of a Looker Certification
A certification is a quantifiable way to show that you’ve added breadth to your knowledge. It lets your manager know that you’re savvy to your business’s need for data literacy, and it lets your peers know you’re a leading force in that arena (also, the purple badge looks pretty slick on a LinkedIn profile). We are at a special point in time where there is unprecedented generational diversity in the workforce, and certification gives you a relevant voice in the data culture conversation. You’ve earned it.
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