CCBC compiles broadband resource list to assist Central Coast residents during pandemic
Sarah Vickers-Webb
Production & Editorial Assistant
Santa Cruz Tech Beat
April 1, 2020 — Santa Cruz
Consortium addresses increased broadband needs, and shares links to discounted service for qualifying low-income households
Dedicated to improving broadband availability, access and adoption in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties, the Central Coast Broadband Consortium (CBCC), has compiled a list of resources to address additional needs for broadband during the coronavirus crisis.
“It’s a two page summary of low or no cost broadband service offerings, and other information about local Internet service providers’ response to the Covid-19 emergency,” said CCBC executive team member Steve Blum. “People need broadband access to work, educate their kids, get primary health care and stay sane and connected while they’re locked down.
The CCBC is an ad hoc group of local governments and agencies, economic development, education and health organizations, community groups and private businesses. The CCBC’s top priority is providing resources and incentives to telecommunications service providers, including local government agencies.
“We’re also working with the governor’s technology office to identify communities throughout California where emergency broadband access is needed, said Blum. “It turns out that the broadband availability data that the City of Watsonville has been collecting and analyzing for the CCBC over the past decade is a unique resource for the state.”
For many people, it’s the first time broadband access is an absolute necessity in their day to day lives. “It’s a sudden and, perhaps, unaffordable change for them. We want to help ease that pain, in whatever small way we can,” said Blum.\
To access CCBC Internet Access Resources, click here.
Tagged Broadband, Central Coast Broadband Consortium, COVID-19, Steve Blum