Watch: CBS interview with Reed Hastings: How Netflix reinvented entertainment — and corporate culture

(Source: CBS)
September 7, 2020 — Los Gatos, CA
The New York Times once described the Netflix lobby as “the hottest see-and-be-seen spot in Hollywood.” That was last year. Now?
“It’s supposed to be full of people, cheering and talking and everything. Now it’s empty,” said Reed Hastings, the co-founder and co-CEO of Netflix. As he showed Lesley Stahl, the massive 80-foot video wall promoting new Netflix shows is now surrounded by lots and lots of empty chairs.

“It’s supposed to be full of people, cheering and talking and everything. Now it’s empty,” said Reed Hastings, the co-founder and co-CEO of Netflix. As he showed Lesley Stahl, the massive 80-foot video wall promoting new Netflix shows is now surrounded by lots and lots of empty chairs.
“We will be back,” Hastings said. “We’re gonna get that vaccine, and then that lobby’s gonna be pumping again!”
“I know why you’re so optimistic, because like toilet paper and Lysol, you’re one of the few companies who has really thrived in this pandemic,” Stahl said.
“People love entertainment,” said Hastings, “whether that’s wartime, peacetime, COVID.”
“Yeah, but you’re avoiding my question, which is that you’re doing extremely well. Your subscription numbers have, what?”
“We are off to a faster start in growth than any year in our history, roughly from 160 million to 190 million. So, a lotta growth.”
“Internationally, too?”
“All around the world. COVID, unfortunately, is everywhere, and luckily Netflix is, too.”
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Tagged Netflix, Reed Hastings