EVs & Solar Batteries When the Grid Goes Down: V2H, V2G & VPP

By Beverly DesChaux, President
Electric Auto Association of CA Central Coast
Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat
September 22, 2020 — Santa Cruz and Monterey, CA
Our 10th annual National Drive Electric Week has gone virtual this year for safety
We invite you to join the Electric Auto Association of the CA Central Coast at our live online event for the tech interested as well as the tech savvy for the future of Electric Vehicles (EVs).
- National Drive Electric Week Live Vehicle-to-Home Demo
- Sat, Oct 3, 2020
- 4:30 – 6:30 pm PT
- Pre-register here
A panel of experts will address the integration of EVs with Solar, Batteries & the Grid for home and local grid resilience
- Live demo of how to power the home with Vehicle 2 Home (V2H) technology using his Chevy Bolt by long time EV advocate Will Beckett
- Battery storage from rooftop solar to power the home during grid shutdown or after the sun stops shining by professional solar guy Michael Mora
- EV and V2G Pioneer Tom Gage will present on what already exists with Vehicle 2 Grid (V2G), the future as a resource for local grid resilience, and the challenges
- Dr. Jose Bueno-Torres will explain the how and rationale for aggregating EVs and battery storage for a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) to relieve the grid’s duck curve and fossil fueled peaker plants with local, renewable grid resilience.
Q & A will follow
These presentations represent future steps EV and solar battery owners will take to Kick Gas and be part of the transition to local, national & global resilience with renewable energy!
Tagged Electric Vehicle