Santa Cruz Tech Beat


A day in the life: Promoting the Santa Cruz Tech Culture (Part 1 of 2)


16 page insert in October 18, 2013 Silicon Valley Business Journal

[This is PART 1 of 2. Read PART 2 here: A day in the life: More promoting the Santa Cruz Tech Ecosystem. Part 2 was originally posted in Sara Isenberg’s blog here.]

Whew. October 17, 2013, was rich with tech ecosystem community activities in Santa Cruz, CA!

1. SVBJ Silicon Valley Business Journal’s Santa Cruz insert

The Silicon Valley Business Journal’s 16 page insert — Santa Cruz: A Vibrant Hub of Tech Innovation — produced by Bonnie Lipscomb, Executive Director, City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Department, was distributed with the Friday, October 18 print SVBJ. I was able to pick up advance copies from Bonnie’s office and more copies seem to be filtering out around Santa Cruz. It’s great to see so many companies, organizations, and people I know included in this insert, including — ta da — Santa Cruz Tech Beat. In my role as Tech Beat curator, I was a resource to the SVBJ journalist who put this together.

2. CLV Community Leadership Visit insert

I’m very pleased to have completed a 3 page insert about Santa Cruz Tech Beat for the Chamber’s October 27 and 28 Community Leadership Visit (CLV) booklet.

3. BSOE RR Baskin School of Engineer Research Review Day

I attended the Baskin School of Engineering Research Review Day. What I appreciated most, aside from the opportunity to hear about current research, was the networking. I already knew most of the people I was hoping to run into, but I especially enjoyed a talk by Robert Klein called “A Start Towards Solutions for the Crisis in Communication and Funding of Scientific Research.” In a chat directly following the talk, Klein emphasized to me that scientists need to get the word out to the general public (note: Santa Cruz Tech Beat and beyond) in order to get funding. Writing scientific papers is not enough, he said.

4. UCSC Ed Talks

In the evening, I attended UCSC’s Ed Talks at the top of The Ritt. Janet Napolitano attended, too, as part of her visit to UCSC. We heard three interesting talks by leading educators followed by a wine reception. Despite being billed at TED-style talks, if you’re familiar with TED, you’ll know they weren’t. TED talks are much more personal and revealing, and are typically as much about the person as the topic. These talks were still entertaining and informative. Co-hosted by Chancellor George Blumenthal and Santa Cruz Mayor Hilary Bryant. Good food, good company. Another great crowd for networking which a Who’s Who at UC Santa Cruz in attendance. Talk topics were:

  1. The Quest to Conquer Cancer: Computer Geeks to the Rescue! by David Haussler
  2. Saving Endangered Species: The Story of the Hawaiian Monk Seal by Terrie Williams
  3. Humanities Today: The Transformational Power of Student-Centered Learning by Alan Christy

Again, big news day for Santa Cruz Tech Beat.

Sara Isenberg
Producer, editor, curator
Santa Cruz Tech Beata news digest for folks who want to know and share what’s up in the Santa Cruz technology community.

Sara Isenberg curates and publishes Santa Cruz Tech Beat for the benefit of the extended business and technology community. When she is not volunteering her time for the tech scene, Sara makes her living by managing software projects, web strategy planning, and providing development team services (including account management, vendor management, strategic partner management, beta project management, referrals to qualified technical team members, and more). Please visit or contact Sara by email at if you have any project management, account management, or Development Team leadership or service needs.


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2 thoughts on “A day in the life: Promoting the Santa Cruz Tech Culture (Part 1 of 2)

  1. Pingback: A day in the life: More Promoting the Santa Cruz Tech Ecosystem (Part 2 of 2) | Santa Cruz Tech Beat

  2. Pingback: A day in the life: More Promoting the Santa Cruz Tech Ecosystem (Part 2 of 2) | Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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