Calliope Waterworks Pitches New Technology to Save Water
By Jondi Gumz
Santa Cruz Sentinel
[Editor’s note: Santa Cruz Tech Beat first wrote about Calliope in Calliope Waterworks Steps Out of Stealth, September 16, 2015.]
October 9, 2015 — Santa Cruz, CA
Keri Waters said she believes her Santa Cruz startup can help solve the water crisis in the county and beyond.
She’s co-founder and CEO of Calliope Waterworks Inc., which has built a device to measure and categorize household water use — from washing machines to toilets and sinks to irrigation — then optimizes outdoor water use.
Waters contends the device, being tested at a handful of prototypes, will be able to save 10 percent to 50 percent of household water use.
Wednesday night, she was the lead presenter at the Santa Cruz New Tech MeetUp, hosted by Cruzio, announcing a beta test of the device and asking the standing-room only crowd of 260 to sign up.
The Calliope device, which is installed near the main, is expected to ship in December priced at $250 with no charge for the data service.
Waters, 38, a mechanical engineer, previously was chief operating officer at Vivo Technology, a startup that had plans to expand in Santa Cruz. When the London-based founder decided to expand in the United Kingdom instead, she was open to a new venture.
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