Santa Cruz Tech Beat

Santa Cruz Tech Ecosystem

New model explains what we see when a massive black hole devours a star

By Tim Stephens UC Santa Cruz May 31 — Santa Cruz, CA (Illustration, above, of emissions from a tidal disruption event shows in cross section what..

May 31, 2018

Scotts Valley’s dfusion Receives $1.3 Million to Develop and Evaluate a Mobile App Promoting Sexual Health for Young Black Men Who Have Sex with Men

By Regina Firpo-Triplett, MPH, MCHES CEO, dfusion Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat May 30, 2018 — Scotts Valley, CA (Photo above: NIH reviewers determined..

May 30, 2018

Net neutrality clears California senate on party line vote

By Steve Blum Tellus Venture Associates May 30, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA The future of network neutrality is now in the hands of the California assembly...

May 30, 2018

Should Startups Invest in Patents?

By Mark Haynes Partner, Haynes Beffel & Wolfeld LLP Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat May 29, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA (Photo above: Mark Hayes is a..

May 29, 2018

PayStand is building technology that strengthens the fight against corruption

By David Apgar Founder, GoalScreen Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat May 29, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA As a modern, bank-independent, digital B2B payment..

May 29, 2018

EDGE closes on acquisition of comprehensive IP portfolio

(Contributed) May 25, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA Edge closes on acquisition of comprehensive IP portfolio covering cloud wallet® and payments using NFC..

May 25, 2018

Watch: Clear the Fog — Peggy Dolgenos on Santa Cruz Fiber

(Source: Santa Cruz County Business Council) May 24, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA (Photo above: Peggy Dolgenos CEO and Founder of Santa Cruz Fiber, and..

May 24, 2018

Cabrillo’s NETLAB+ Data Center Expands its Reach

(Source: Cabrillo College) NETLAB+ is a server appliance provided by Network Development Group with software tools preloaded for academic institutions to host..

May 24, 2018

Looker and Girl Geek X join forces for June 7 event in SF

(Contributed) May 24, 2018 — Santa Cruz/San Francisco, CA Join Looker and Girl Geek X for an evening of insight and discussion with the innovative women..

May 24, 2018

Sammy Showcase features virtual reality and videogames from UCSC game design students

(Contributed) May 24, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA (Photo above: The Sammy Showcase is a fun, family-friendly game festival featuring videogames and virtual..

May 24, 2018

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