Santa Cruz Tech Beat

Santa Cruz Tech Ecosystem

Modern Tribe on ambitious 2-year Steelcase redesign project

(Source: Modern Tribe’s case study.) May 26, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA Steelcase, the largest furniture manufacturer in the world, needed a development..

May 26, 2016

Santa Cruz County Business Council to host Economic Forum on June 30

By Robert Singleton Santa Cruz County Business Council Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat May 26, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz County Business..

May 26, 2016

Santa Cruz Biotech to close research lab, pay $3.5M fine

By Jondi Gumz Santa Cruz Sentinel May 26, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA (Photo above: Santa Cruz Biotech had a large presence in this building on the Santa Cruz..

May 26, 2016

Six Californias initiative makes a roaring comeback

By Steve Blum Tellus Venture Associates Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat May 26, 2016 — Monterey, CA We’re giving the Six Californias initiative a..

May 26, 2016

Santa Cruz County Students Win Big at the 2016 International Science & Engineering Fair

By Adam Wade Santa Cruz County Office of Education May 26, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA (Photo above: Benjamin Kolland, right, from Alternative Family Education..

May 26, 2016

This company may not be in Santa Cruz any longer but we’re still following them

Source: May 26, 2016 — Austin, Tx [Editor’s note: Even though Magic Leap doesn’t have a development office in Santa Cruz..

May 26, 2016

Find out what two non-profits are doing with NSF funding

(Contributed) May 21, 2016 — Watsonville, CA ETR and Digital NEST received funding from the NSF to strengthen and study the Digital NEST. The goals of..

May 21, 2016

Santa Cruz Audio announces SC1000, the ultimate headphone experience

By Fred DeKalb (Founder of Santa Cruz Audio) and Thomas Illick (Director of Marketing and Sales at IDE) Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat May 21, 2016 —..

May 21, 2016

Q&A: Andy Constable on County of Santa Cruz Economic Development

By Sara Isenberg Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, Santa Cruz Tech Beat May 20, 2016 — Santa Cruz, CA (Photo above: Andy Constable is Santa Cruz..

May 21, 2016

Imprivata Announces Integration with MobileIron AppConnect

(Contributed) May 19, 2016 — Lexington, MA and Santa Cruz, CA [Editor’s Note: Imprivata’s headquarters are located in Lexington, MA, however the..

May 19, 2016

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