Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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How to be “Game” in Everyday Life

By Jan Janes Special to Santa Cruz Tech Beat (Photo above: Players form a word in Jane McGonigal’s activating game, Massive Multiplay Scrabble, during the author’s visit to Bookshop Santa Cruz last week. The audience […]

Where Agriculture and Tech Intersect

By Rosaeann Hernandez Good Times April 18, 2015 — Santa Cruz, CA 2nd Santa Cruz County Ag-Tech Meetup Wed, April 29, 6pm Digital NEST, 17 Aspen Way, Watsonville, CA RSVP here Read about the 1st […]

Watch: Jacob Martinez Speaks at Tech Meetup at the White House

By Sara Isenberg Editor-in-Chief, Santa Cruz Tech Beat April 18, 2015 — Watsonville, CA He’s back at the White House, again! Last week, Santa Cruz Tech Beat published “Mr. Martinez Goes to Washington” about Digital […]

Mr. Martinez Goes to Washington

By Sara Isenberg Editor-in-Chief, Santa Cruz Tech Beat (Photo above: Digital NEST members at the White House with Megan Smith, CTO of the United States, and a NASA robot. Contributed) Digital NEST at the White […]

Where tech and agriculture intersect

By Samantha Clark Santa Cruz Sentinel (Photo above: Don J. Macleod, president of Applied Motion Products in Watsonville, pitches his company at the first Ag-Tech MeetUp last Wednesday evening at Digital NEST in Watsonville. Credit: […]

Cultivating Ag-Tech Culture in Watsonville

By Stephanie Barraza UC Santa Cruz Student and Community Curator at the Digital NEST March 13, 2015 — Watsonville, CA Ag-Tech Meetup Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 6pm Digital NEST, 17 Aspen Way, Watsonville, CA […]

Q&A: David Dennis — living a well balanced life

By Sara Isenberg Editor-in-Chief, Santa Cruz Tech Beat (Photo above: David Dennis gathers inspiration for his upcoming TEDx Santa Cruz talk with current working title “Homelessness, Surfboards and Living a Well Balanced Life.” Photo credit: […]

11 steps we’ve taken to promote diversity at Hack UCSC 2015

By Brent M. Haddad Director, UCSC Center for Entrepreneurship & Hack UCSC 2015 Organizer January 4, 2015 — Santa Cruz, CA It was Saturday morning, April 5, and that wonderful, intense quiet was settling over […]

Best of 2014 Santa Cruz Tech

By Sara Isenberg Publisher/Editor, Santa Cruz Tech Beat We had an amazing year. After reviewing the news of 2014, I was really inspired by how much happened in the local tech community this year! What […]

Two locals make Tech Crunch list of 10 Men Making Waves for Women in Tech

by Ruthie Farmer Tech Crunch [Editor’s note: Kudos to two locals who made the Tech Crunch list 10 Men Making Waves For Women In Tech: (1) Charlie McDowell, UCSC Associate Dean of Engineering for Undergraduate […]

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