Astronomers track down fast radio bursts to galaxies’ spiral arms
By Donna Weaver (STScI) & Tim Stephens (UCSC) May 27, 2021 — Santa Cruz, CA (Image above: Hunting for the neighborhoods of enigmatic, fast radio..
By Donna Weaver (STScI) & Tim Stephens (UCSC) May 27, 2021 — Santa Cruz, CA (Image above: Hunting for the neighborhoods of enigmatic, fast radio..
By Tim StephensUC Santa Cruz April 22, 2021 — Santa Cruz, CA [Image: The COSMOS-Webb survey will map .6 square degrees of the sky—about the area of..
By Dan WhiteUC Santa Cruz March 16, 2021 — Santa Cruz, CA Two interactive, high-tech floors in the newly renovated Science & Engineering Library have..
By Tim StephensUC Santa Cruz November 18, 2020 — Santa Cruz, CA (Image above: These illustrations show three versions of a rocky planet with different..
By Jerry Davich Chicago Tribune June 11, 2019 — Santa Cruz, CA (Photo above: Sandra Faber, UCSC Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepts the..
By Tim Stephens UC Santa Cruz April 30, 2019 — Santa Cruz, CA The Kavli Summer Program in Astrophysics brings together an international group of..
(Contributed) April 24, 2018 — Santa Cruz, CA (Image above: A ‘deep learning’ algorithm trained on images from cosmological simulations is..