Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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The Gregarious Machines

by Paige Welsh How UCSC researchers are making computers more human If you’ve ever tried to have a conversation with your phone Joaquin-Pheonix-style, you..

September 12, 2014

Interview with David Haussler on Global Alliance for Genomics and Health

by Roberto V. Zicari editor of ODBMS.ORG “A main challenge facing clinical and genomic data sharing efforts is the lack of harmonized methods and..

September 11, 2014

Seeding Innovation

by Tamara Ball UC Santa Cruz, IDEASS Explore sustainable technology with today’s youth Film / Youth / Community / Sustainable Living / Green Technology /..

September 11, 2014

Undergrads present work at Summer Research Symposium

by Tim Stephens UC Santa Cruz (photo credit: Tim Stephens) Research presentations featured UCSC students in a range of disciplines and other students who came..

August 21, 2014

Grad student developing computer software to help blind people

by Melissae Fellet UC Santa Cruz Lourdes Morales, undaunted by her own impaired vision, unites personal passion and programming skills to help others After..

August 21, 2014

Reaching for Star Students in COSMOS

by Paige Welsh California’s top high school students learn graduate school material at COSMOS summer school Summer school once conjured dread in the hearts..

August 7, 2014

Cancer study reveals powerful new system for classifying tumors

by Tim Stephen UC Santa Cruz One in ten cancers were reclassified in clinically meaningful ways based on molecular subtypes identified by a comprehensive..

August 7, 2014

NIH awards $2 million to UCSC group for DNA sequencing research

by Tim Stephens UC Santa Cruz Biomolecular engineer Mark Akeson leads efforts to develop nanopore technology for DNA sequencing A group led by Mark Akeson,..

August 6, 2014

UC Santa Cruz Internet access project wins University of California IT award

by Guy Lasnier UC Santa Cruz A UC Santa Cruz project to bring broadband Internet services to underserved communities in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties has..

August 5, 2014

Award-winning games use computer technology to explore interactive fiction

by Melissae Fellet UC Santa Cruz 18 Cadence was picked by Kirkus Reviews as a Best Book App of 2013, and the Independent Games Festival gives it an Honorable..

July 5, 2014

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